Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More from the Rockies

We only spent a total of a day in Rocky Mnt. Nat. Park but we took over 400 pictures. we got tired of saying "Wow look at that" around every turn because every turn opened up a new view of some spectacular mountains.There are so many mountain streams with waterfalls we just couldn't take enough pictures. This stream ran right by our campground at Aspenglen.

We got up early Monday morning and took
a drive on a one-way road which is closed at least 7 months out of the year. It was a winding dirt road that hugged the side of the mountains.

We stopped about 7
miles into the drive to take a short hike on Chapin Pass. Right as we reached the end of the trail storm clouds moved in with rain and high winds.

We hurried back to the car and finished the drive up to the Alpine Visitors Center. Its the highest elevation visitors center in the whole national park system at over 12000ft. We got some info on a few last minute hikes before we left the park.
The last hike was a short one to see Adams Falls.

We did some exploring of the creek above Adams Falls where Sarah got a little too friendly with the creek.

1 comment:

Fran said...

What a cool birthday present to yourself! Awesome photos.
Happy B'day Brian! Enjoy it. You're among some of the neatest places in the country.