We woke up early on Saturday morning after getting NO sleep throughout the night. I liken it to the movie My Cousin Vinny, if anyone has seen it. If our campsite neighbors weren't yelling on their way to the bathroom, the squirrels were squeaking or the elk were bugling and we couldn't BUY sleep if we wanted to.
Anyways, it's all good. After all, we are on vacation!
We ate a quick breakfast, changed and drove to the Lupine Meadows trail head to begin our 10 mile round-trip hike. It was BY FAR the toughest hike we've made at 3150 ft. elevation gain! I made Byron stop and rest with me a few times. I wore the bear bell, which rang for hours on end, and Byron carried the trusty UDAP bear spray in case we had a surprise encounter. Lucky for us, we only encountered 2-day old scat. And many chipmunks. Who were incredibly cute. =]
The highlight of the trip came when we reached Surprise Lake and Amphitheater Lake, which marked the tip-top of our hike:
(What you can't quite see here is a beautiful diamond ring on my left hand!!!!!)
I said yes.
What a wonderful memory this will be! Congratulations to both of you! Love ya both, now let's see some buffalo pics!
Congrats, Sarah and Byron!!!! :)
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